Ghost-City! But,where is Nicholas Cage?


Ever bought the thought of being in a Ghost-City, a real lonely place with all those creepy noises everywhere around? I’d better take the instance of Sweeney Todd so that you can feel the ghastly barber over your sleeves.  Bitter place to live in, is not it? But the Ghost-city I am going to talk about is a real desirable place. There is a god-forsaken, moored and abandoned land with an expanse of 15 Square Miles down there in the New-Mexico. The ghost-city which is otherwise called Center for Innovation, Testing and Evaluation (CITE) is all set to open by a proposed 2014 and homes the largest scale testing and evaluation center in the world, created by Pegasus Global Holdings Ltd. It can accommodate 35000 residents and is designed on the lines of a modern Medium sized US city. The Ghost-city accommodates none, I mean not even Nicholas Cage nor Barack Obama, but has standard roads and highways, houses and commercial buildings, old and new, as well as power, water, telecommunications and operating systems. It will act as a life-size laboratory for companies, universities and government agencies to test smart power grids, cyber security and intelligent traffic and surveillance systems.

Now the, Big Mike is the one Mr. Robert.H.Brumley MD and co-fouder of Pegasus Global Holdings. This school of thought is a new one and surely will allow new technologies to integrate into the nation’s urban, suburban and rural “legacy infrastructure”, and provide detailed measurable results on their impact to the economy and its many sectors.


There is no doubt in saying that concrete and steel reined the major part of construction in the last century. But the 21st century has by-far brought drastic changes in almost every field. In these lines come the changes civil engineering earned. The bridge construction never bought the thought of using materials excepting steel and concrete. But the ‘bolt’ic changes seeping in through large number of highly stuffed research projects already bought the inception of not using steel and concrete but using some other low-weight materials like fiber-reinforced materials.

That’s the vision of a group of engineering researchers at the University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR), who are building such a bridge as part of an innovative teaching and research project funded by the National Science Foundation. This project is worth a whopping $549,000 whose major share is sponsored by NSF. The project, titled “Advanced Materials for Civil Infrastructure: Multidisciplinary Curriculum “, is palpably a multi-disciplinary piece of work. The group of researchers who are apparently from almost all the major branches of engineering are aided by professors from almost all the branches too and are working on the prototypes which will replace a wooden bridge on UMR’s campus. The bridge also will be equipped with fiber-optic sensors — the “smart” part of the structure — that will allow researchers to monitor how well the material holds up under foot traffic and warn about any potential threats.

Along side its progress, this project injected the inception of two more inter-disciplinary courses namely Materials and Sensors and Smart Civil Structures. These courses are promised to be offered to students in aerospace engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering.

Has Sky-City got to do with Hitler(2nd World War) ?

One of my professors has said that vertical construction has drawn its grace now-a-days with reference to the Sky-City in Japan. I would not say he is wrong but the instance he picked up is indeed wrong. The Sky City 1000 is a visionary (i.e. not proposed/intended to be built) Super-tall sky scraper in the Tokyo metropolitan area, Japan announced in 1989 during the height of the Japanese asset price bubble(JAPB) .

Now the main intention of this blog-post is to draw attention to the cause of this Civil Engineering marvel. Its Imagewhopping 1000 meter height and ground diameter of 400 meters is flabbergasting. You might even wonder how this can be the subject of an agreement made 23 years ago, as I did. Japanese asset price bubble and Plaza-accord are indeed the things that drove the inception of this mammoth structure. This financial break-through (It is an irony to call it a break-through, you’ll soon learn why) has by-far given a bazooka-push to the yen. JAPB’s root lies in the destruction Japan had in the Second World War, right after which the Japanese govt. started augmenting the tariffs, and tightened the policies encouraging people to save their money in banks. Plaza-Accord (1989), which is an agreement between Japan-Germany-UK-USA-France, promised to appreciate Japanese Yen and German Deustche Mark in comparison with US-Dollar. These two elements of bombastic impact led to a baby-cry financial crisis. The prices went high, with prime areas like Ginza district touching 30 million yen (approximately $215,000 US dollars) per square meter ($20,000 per square foot). But the people did not have enough money as the tariffs were too high. Situations led the then Japanese government to think vertical there-by aiding her people with the land expenditure.

Now the condition has come down to normal, reason subject to the recent financial crisis. As far as the history is concerned Sky-City’s just a Japanese-promise-keeping, though the amazingly increased population density is a reason too. 



It would have been a great day, the one on the beach when you tried to build a sand structure if you can recollect from your “supposedly” faded memories. First you try to build it, and then you learn to add some water only when you flunked for the first time. But have you ever reflected on why the structure stills strong when you add water. I would say, “The sand can stick, only if you add water”, as anyone would. But, this guy named Daniel Bonn professor of complex fluids at the University Of Amsterdam along with his team gives it a scientific shot, and is claimed to be true by the magazine “Science Daily”.

According to Bonn, the water which would be required in meager amounts (about 1%) augments the rigidity of the structure by forming bridges in between the sand granules. If the optimum sand water mixture is attained, building a castle up to 5 meters high is never a nightmare. This might be trivial for us, but this team of researchers is looking forward to making it big by finding the most appropriate water repellent sand granules thereby making it possible to build an underwater sand castle. The water that serves as glue when building normal sandcastles is substituted with air bubbles when building the underwater versions. The outcomes have largely to do with the civil engineering subjects like Soil mechanics. 


Technology has been aiding war ever since the meanest exploitations of it were unleashed. But it took quite a while for the world to settle down.  But the scientist’s quest never ends. Scientists from almost all the possible fields helped the “war”ing get any better as it is now since half a century. Now, is there nothing else to be developed? My humanities professor always said every problem has a solution and the problems without solutions aren’t problems, they are just tales. As it were my professor said, so is this new invention made by some research scholars at the University of Leeds. The Big Mike being Dr.Purnell

This invention in its core purpose is of major utility to the soldiers as it is a body armor made from cement, which according to Dr.Purnell can bear the thug of any kind of bullet on the mother earth for that matter. This armor is made of cement mixed with carbon fibres. It promises to be stronger than the now- available Hi-spec body armor which is made of alumina an ore of the metal aluminum.

These are a bunch of civil engineers from the School of civil engineering in the mentioned university. This is just one among many other ideas the chaps and damsels have. The others being cement-based pump-less fridges and enhanced bone-replacements.


Can death,according to science be an illusion?

Now, Robert Lanza has done it far too long before he could not stop his notion of “death as just an illusion”. Man, he dragged the crap out of my brain when he said that we can have sex like a bird does just by manipulating our brain cells, it only depends on what you want to have sex with, he says. So in a nut shell he says that the feeling of our presence does not end with death. We think of death as it has been thought only because we associate ourselves with our bodies, Robert says. This Robert is not a “De Niro” to give out creative things without proofs; he convincingly substantiates his findings with a now-pacing branch of science BIOCENTRISM. According to BIOCENTRISM, you can’t see anything through the bone that surrounds your brain. Your eyes are not portals to the world. Everything you see and experience right now – even your body – is a whirl of information occurring in your mind. This branch also out rightly slashes the very default thing that this world behaves observer-independent.

Were this all true, I bet this guy Robert Lanza has really done it too far. After all, he contradicted the entire concept of death we had ever since our birth. This guys website surely worth a read.